Life-Size Color-Coded Brain Model

SKU: 0156-00

Sale price$428.80

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Regional painted brain - Life-size two part brain held together with magnets: Dividing into hemispheres along the mid-sagittal plane, these life-size models embody all salient structures of the human cerebral cortex, cerebellum and brain stem, including the origins of the twelve cranial nerves.

Painted with vibrant contrasting colors to differentiate, and along with hand lettering, identify the various lobes of the cerebral cortex, as well as the motor somatosensory and limbic cortices, cerebellum and brain stem. Some 50 features are numbered for identification in the accompanying key.

Also available 0155-00 Life size 2part Brain, natural tone

Denoyer-Geppert Autographed Anatomy

  1. Frontal lobe
  2. Superior frontal gyrus
  3. Middle frontal gyrus
  4. Inferior frontal gyrus
  5. Orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus
  6. Triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
  7. Opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
  8. Orbital gyri
  9. Cingulate gyrus
  10. Parietal lobe
  11. Pre-central sulcus
  12. Pre-central gyrus
  13. Central sulcus (Rolandic fissure)
  14. Postcentral gyrus
  15. Postcentral sulcus
  16. Supramarginal gyrus
  17. Angular gyrus
  18. Parieto-Occipital sulcus
  19. Occipital lobe
  20. Temporal lobe
  21. Superior temporal sulcus
  22. Middle temporal sulcus
  23. Superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area)
  24. Inferior temporal gyrus
  25. Lateral fissure
  26. Pons*
  27. Medulla*
  28. Pyramidal tracts
  29. Decussation of pyramids
  30. Cerebellum
  31. Flocculus
  32. Thalamus
  33. Hypothalamus
  34. Pituitary (Infundibulum)
  35. Midbrain*
  36. Septum pellucidum
  37. Corpus collosum
  38. Anterior commissure
  39. Posterior commissure
  40. Mammillary body
  41. Interthalamic adhesion
  42. Fornix
  43. Cerebral Peduncle
  44. Olfactory bulb
  45. Olfactory tract
  46. Optic chiasma
  47. Optic tract


Cranial Nerve I – Olfactory n. (smell) not shown Cranial Nerve II – Optic n. (vision)
Cranial Nerve III – Oculomotor nerve
Cranial Nerve IV – Trochlear nerve

Cranial Nerve V – Trigeminal nerve
Cranial Nerve VI – Abducens nerve
Cranial Nerve VII – Facial nerve
Cranial Nerve VIII – Vestibulocochlear nerve Cranial Nerve IX – Glossopharyngeal nerve Cranial Nerve X – Vagus nerve

Cranial Nerve XI – Spinal accessory nerve Cranial Nerve XII – Hypoglossal nerve

*Major portions of the brainstem

Denoyer Geppert Authorized Distributor

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