Skeleton Buying Guide: Hanging vs Pelvic Mount


Buying a skeleton can be a tough decision with a number of choices to be made.  One of the last things considered is the type of mount so we wanted to demystify this step.  

A hanging type stand involves a special type of mount that suspends the skeleton from above the skull.  A pelvic mounted skeleton is supported through an extension that protrudes through the sacrum.  Keep in mind that not all skeletons are offered in both hanging and pelvic mounts for a number of reasons.


Pelvic mount skeletons are more stable and functional, while hanging type models are better for demonstrations at the front of the class.

Pelvic Mounted skeletons

These include a metal frame that runs through the spinal column and has a protrusion at the base of the sacrum that connects to metal support rod connected to the base.

The centre of gravity is below the majority of the mass of the skeleton making it more stable.  Skeletons with flexible spines benefit from being able to hold the position when showing movement.  Moving the skeleton from room to room is easy without rocking and swaying.  It can be easily removed from the stand for placement on a treatment table or chair.  The skull can be easily removed for study without removing the skeleton.

Hanging Type Skeletons

Hanging type skeletons are made with a metal frame through the spinal column which extends through the top of the skull allowing it to be suspended.

The hanging design allows the skeleton to sit approximately 2" higher and is easier to rotate.  Easy rotation makes it easier to display the skeleton from the front and back.  The higher centre of gravity does make it slightly more prone to swaying and tipping over if not moved carefully.  The skull can be removed for study once the skeleton is removed from the stand.

AnatomyBuyers guideSkeleton