At the Heart of all we Do

Since 1971 with a start in supplying cranial models for dental programs, focusing on high quality Anatomical Models is what we love. Replicas and models that capture the details and help to extend the reach of students who might not have access to specimens and other tools.

We carry the products found in universities and research labs around the world, the models used by professional for patient education and the models that students are using to get a better understanding for the fundamentals.


Anatomical Models

29 produits

Affiche 1 - 24 de 29 produits

Affiche 1 - 24 de 29 produits
Economisez 7%
Stan - Standard Skeleton Model - anterior viewStan - Standard Skeleton Model - posterior view
Stan, Standard Human Skeleton
Prix réduit$485.00 Prix normal$518.75
Economisez 23%
Super Skeleton with Muscle and LigamentsSuper Skeleton with Muscle and Ligaments
Super Skeleton with Muscle and Ligaments
Prix réduit$1,095.00 Prix normal$1,429.70
Flexible spine with femur headsFlexible spine with femur heads
Flexible Spine with Femur Heads
Prix réduitA partir de $215.43
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Value Standard Human SkeletonValue Standard Human Skeleton - lateral view
Value Standard Human Skeleton
Prix réduit$295.00
Mini Skeleton with muscles painted - 33in | 85cmMini Skeleton with muscles painted - 33in | 85cm
Standard Flexible Spine | 3B Scientific A58/1Standard Flexible Spine | 3B Scientific A58/1 - 3/4
Standard Flexible Spine
Prix réduitA partir de $192.00
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Functional Knee Joint
Prix réduit$112.20
Economisez 30%
Value Miniature Human SkeletonValue Miniature Human Skeleton - Foot Detail
Value Miniature Human Skeleton
Prix réduit$45.50 Prix normal$64.95
Functional Shoulder Joint | 3B Scientific A80Functional Shoulder Joint | 3B Scientific A80
Functional Shoulder Joint
Prix réduit$112.20
Deluxe Functional Knee Joint | 3B Scientific A82/1Deluxe Functional Knee Joint | 3B Scientific A82/1
Deluxe Functional Knee Joint
Prix réduit$163.35
Deluxe Functional Shoulder Joint | 3B Scientific A80/1Deluxe Functional Shoulder Joint | 3B Scientific A80/1
Deluxe Functional Shoulder Joint
Prix réduit$163.35
Functional Elbow Joint
Prix réduit$112.20
Functional Hip Joint
Prix réduit$112.20
Shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff | 3B Scientific A880Shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff
Shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff
Prix réduit$321.75
Muscled Shoulder
Prix réduit$177.91
Deluxe Functional Hip Joint | 3B Scientific A81/1Deluxe Functional Hip Joint | 3B Scientific A81/1
Deluxe Functional Hip Joint
Prix réduit$163.35
Deluxe Functional Elbow Joint | 3B Scientific A83/1Deluxe Functional Elbow Joint | 3B Scientific A83/1
Deluxe Functional Elbow Joint
Prix réduit$163.35
Didactic Flexible Spine with Femur Heads | 3B Scientific A58/9Didactic Flexible Spine with Femur Heads
Didactic Flexible Spine with Femur Heads
Prix réduitA partir de $334.00
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Muscled Elbow
Prix réduit$242.14
Economisez 20%
Value Flexible Spine Model
Prix réduit$79.50 Prix normal$99.50
Economisez 10%
Knee Joint with removable muscles, 12 part | 3B Scientific A882Knee Joint with removable muscles, patella | 3B Scientific A882
Knee Joint with removable muscles, 12 part
Prix réduit$411.00 Prix normal$457.05
Muscled Hip
Prix réduit$205.49
Economisez 25%
Value Flexible Spine Model, Painted Muscle Insertions
Prix réduit$95.00 Prix normal$126.05
Muscled Knee
Prix réduit$175.61