This 31-part, dual-sex muscled Torso with an open neck and back to view the features of the spinal column.
This life-size torso depicts both the superficial and deep muscles in great detail. The two main muscles, the deltoid and gluteus maximus can easily be removed for closer studies. You can also study the vertebrae, the spinal cord, spinal nerves and vertebral arteries, exchange the male and female genital inserts, discover the internal structures of the brain and much more.
The following parts are removable from this remarkable torso:
The following parts are removable from this remarkable torso:
- 6-part head
- Chest and abdominal wall with muscles
- 7th thoracic vertebra
- Female mammary gland
- Gluteus maximus and deltoid muscle
- 2 lungs
- 2-part heart
- 2-part stomach
- Liver with gall bladder
- 4-part intestinal tract
- Front half of kidney
- 3-part female genital insert with fetus
- 4-part male genital insert
This deluxe dual-sex torso is complete as a tool for human anatomy education with the Torso Guide. All the organs in this human torso are hand painted for a quality product. This great human anatomy educational tool and makes learning the location of the human organs easy.
This item is enhanced with SmartAnatomy!
The new way to experience and supplment your model with online, interactive content. No more reference guides and booklets - access product details right from your mobile device. Learn more

3B Scientific Authorized Distributor

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