This BONElikeTM skull model brings the realism of human anatomy to any classroom. The BONElikeTM Skulls are made of a new material that allows an absolutely natural reproduction of even finest anatomical structures of the human skull for the first time. Bones made of 3B BONElikeTM look real, have an absolutely natural feel and almost exactly the weight of a natural bone. This version represents a complete midsagitally sectioned skull. The skull-cap can be disassembled into 2 halves as can the base of skull. The nasal septum and the complete mandible are also removeable. To demonstrate masticator movement, the lower jaw is mounted flexibly. An excellent skull to study the bony structure and the complicated anatomy of the human skull.
Here's what 3B customers are saying about 3B BONElikeTM:
This model has a look that makes it appear like a real specimen. All the teeth are present and fine structures like the styloid process, sphenoidal spine and pterygoid hamulus are all pristine. These fragile structures usually break shortly after students get their hands on a skull. However, in their plastic state they are stronger and likely to withstand the rigors of use better than the original. This is also true of thin areas such as the lamina papyracea and other parts of the orbital wall, which, though recognizable on the model, are unlikely to break as readily as a natural specimen would. One could say that the model has gained strength and durability at, perhaps, some small trade-off with realism, but this is exchange is well worth making for primarily a teaching tool. -David Rapaport, Ph.D., Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego
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